Teresa Martins, fashion designer |
We are at the dawn of an age In which extreme political concepts and dogmas may cease to dominate Human a ffairs. We must use this historic opportunity to replace them with universal Human and Spiritual values and ensure that these values become the fiber of the global family which is emerging" Teresa Martins
No alvorecer de uma nova era em que a política e dogmas extremistas perdem a força como directrizes da conduta humana, aproveitemos a oportunidade histórica para os substituir por valores humanos e espirituais para que se tornem na matriz da família global prestes a emergir!” - Teresa Martins
PHOTOS BY JOAO LAMARES PHOTOGRAPHY - All @rights reserved for Fashion Heroines

I remember very well the day I first saw Teresa Martins' work; It was the special edition of ModaLisboa which Fashion Heroines received for the first time the official accreditation for all the fashion week, some seasons ago ... I must confess that I went to TM Collection's fashion show without having done much research about the brand, so as soon as the catwalk was opened I got speechless. The clothes were fantastic, amazing accessories and awesome styling ... so different from what was happening on the Portuguese catwalks, but it was the Teresa Martins' concepts that left me stuck until today. Finally, I had found a person into the fashion world that was the proof that fashion can be much more than well executed nice clothes. Fashion can be an excellent platform to convey a spiritual message, the defence of values that nowadays are a bit confused, ecological causes and the preservation of popular culture whether in the remote East, Africa or India and even in Himalayas as inspiration by the customs and traditions of the people who live beyond, touching the sky, closer to gods and farther from men. Lembro-me bem do dia em que vi pela primeira vez o trabalho de Teresa Martins, foi na edição da ModaLisboa em que o Fashion Heroines obteve acreditação oficial para toda a semana da moda de Lisboa, já lá vão algumas estações... Confesso que fui para o desfile da TM Collection sem ter pesquisado muito sobre a marca e logo que a passerelle abriu fiquei sem fala. As roupas eram fantásticas, os acessórios idem e o styling... definitivamente, diferente do que estava a acontecer então nas passerelles portuguesas. Mas, foi o conceito de Teresa Martins que me deixou presa até hoje. Finalmente, tinha encontrado uma pessoa no mundo da moda que era a prova de que a moda pode ser muito mais que roupas bonitas e bem executadas. A moda pode ser uma plataforma excelente para transmitirmos uma mensagem espiritual, a defesa de valores que andam um pouco baralhados, de causas ecológicas e de preservação da cultura popular seja no remoto Oriente, na India, Africa ou nos Himalaias a inspiração buscada nos costumes e tradições do povo que vive mais além na base do céu, mais perto dos deuses e mais longe dos homens.
Happy me and MUU bag for TM Collection |
MUU bag for TM collection |
Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Detail - Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Fashion designer and blogger of 2ND PLACE ... and the pink in Me |
Lucky me with a colourful skirt from Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection |
I love her amazing blog http://2nd-place.blogspot.com/ |
Absolutely lovely the TM's fabrics |
So today was a cool day for me because I could talk with the great artist and fashion designer Teresa Martins and her staff who make the wonderful team of TM Collection, as well as the magnificent space in Cascais, a mix of studio, showroom, warehouse, and above all a mystic house surrounded by beautiful objects consisted off TM's designs from recent and ancient collections, home décor items made by TM collections as well, and far away relics as source of inspiration for Teresa and his team.
Assim, hoje foi um dia bem cool para mim porque não só conheci pessoalmente a grande criadora e artista que é Teresa Martins e o seu staff que formam a equipa admirável de TM Collection, como o magnifico espaço em Cascais um misto de atelier, showroom, armazém, e, sobretudo, uma casa mistica cercada de objectos lindissimos por todos os lados, sejam designs da TM Collections pertecentes às colecções recentes ou mais antigas, reliquias provenientes de terras longinquas e que servem de inspiração a Teresa e à sua equipa, objectos de decoração de casa que é uma das outras vertentes da TM Collection.
Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
amazing traditional pieces from India - inspirations... |
Love to die this fur MUU bag from Winter 2011-12 TM collection by Teresa Martins |
stunning skirt Spring Summer 2011 collection |
Traditional shoes from India... Inspirations! |
Inspired Winter hats! Love them all... |
Inspired Winter hats! Love them all...PART2 |
Good taste is everywhere and I felt I was driven to exotic places and cultures in a global aesthetic which mainly wants to preserve old values and different emotions, different kinds of living and thinking deeply rooted in primitive eras of human history. Teresa Martins translates all that tradition in versatile and modern pieces totally wearable and ready-to-colour urban streets. O bom gosto está espalhado por todo o lado e senti que era conduzida a lugares longíquos e exóticas culturas numa estética global que pretende preservar os tradicionais valores, diferentes emoções e formas de viver e pensar profundamente enraizadas na primitiva história humana. Teresa Martins traduz toda essa tradição em peças versáteis, modernas e absolutamente vestiveis prontas para colorirem as ruas da cidade.
It's great, isn't it? MUU fur bag for Winter 2011-12 TM collection |
Fall/Winter 2011-12 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Fall/Winter 2011-12 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Fall/Winter 2011-12 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Fall/Winter 2011-12 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
The importance of the details - Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
If clothes have a face this will be mine!!! Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection |
The TM collection's accessories are also absolutely fabulous and they are the result of partnerships that the brand makes with other Portuguese designers and labels with the same creative philosophy; Portuguese brand MUU made a bags special ligne "TM Collection by MUU" and MC - Catarina Martins made the fabulous boots from the autumn / Winter 2011 collection. The jewels and other accessories were designed by Paula Rousseau for TM Collection, Idoia Cuesta, Maria Sol Maia and Maria José Molina.
Os acessórios da TM collection são igualmente fabulosos e são o resultado de várias parcerias que a Teresa Martins faz com outros criadores e marcas portuguesas com a mesma filosofia criativa: Nas malas a MUU fez uma linha especial para a TM collection; A MC - Catarina Martins - criou a fantásticas botas da colecção Outono/Inverno 2011; Jóias e outros acessórios resultam da colaboração com criadores como Paula Rousseau, Idoia Cuesta, Maria Sol Maia e Maria José Molina.
The beauty in action: Vanessa N. on the left and Teresa M. on the right |
Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Spring/Summer 2010 TM Collection by Teresa Martins |
Wonderful silk shirt for a wonderful smile |
Men have their cool line too!
Beautiful and happy people or happy people are beautiful! |
The catering service was delicious and tastes so good! |
I really loved the open day in TM collection's atelier which is much more than that, it's a LAB in progress where beautiful and talent people let their free spirit ran towards creativity that leads them to an illimitable sky. Adorei realmente a tarde de portas abertas do estúdio de TM Collections o qual é muito mais do que isso, é um laboratório-em-progresso onde pessoas lindas e talentosas deixam o seu espirito livre ser conduzido pela criatividade para quem nem o céu é o limite.  |
Love, love, love ... all I need Is a pair of CM - Catarina Martins' boots for TM Collection |
Fashion TV in the rush to choose an awesome piece from black label TM collection |
PLEASE ALSO VISIT:TM collection Fall Winter 2011-12 "Far from Men Close To Gods" by FASHION HEROINES
HERE The photographer Joao Lamares' website
HEREMUU for bags
HERECM - Catarina Martins for Shoes
HERETM COLLECTION'S TERRITORY: TM LAB STORER. das Padarias, 11Armazém C - Alvide, Cascais Please be in touch with TM team on¨+351 214 812 860, mobil phone: 00 351 91 6351779 or by email Fábia Campos sales and marketing manager fabia.campos@tmcollection.com
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