Two wonderful bloggers, Claudia from StoneHouse Love and Beth from Hello Splendor recently announced their charity campaign: Blog for Digs to support Dwell with Dignity. This organization has a mission to help families escape poverty and homelessness and to help them maintain a standard of living they can be proud of and thrive in. To raise awareness they are asking over 55 bloggers to blog about their childhood bedrooms.
The bedroom above is pretty close the bedroom I dreamed of having as a little girl. It was in the big Sears catalogue - a lovely confection of pink rosebuds and white. Above is a modern day version by Laura Ashley of my childhood dream.

We were not a wealthy family but my mother was very resourceful - She found wallpaper very similar to this one for $1 a roll at a discount warehouse. Luckily there was enough to cover my entire bedroom that I shared with my younger sister.

She also bought us two small desks and painted them lime green!

My mother was a great seamstress and fashioned us curtains that looked like awnings out of pink and green striped fabric, similar to the ones above. Though not my dream of pink rosebuds, it was a happy room and I have many memories of staring at the floral patterns and planning my future and dreaming my dreams.

If you have a moment do visit Dwell with Dignity and perhaps help other families create a place for dreaming dreams and planning for better futures.
Also visit Doryn's Dish to see her childhood bedroom.
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